Cancer: Treat Before It’s Too Late
Situation: In 2018, Brazil faced an alarming
600,000 new cases of cancer, highlighting the escalating impact of the disease. This underscores the critical need for prevention, early detection, and timely treatment. For instance, melanoma—a severe type of skin cancer—often starts as a small, changing spot on the skin. Detecting and treating it early can lead to a
99% survival rate, making awareness and early action lifesaving.
Challenge: Despite the statistics, many people remain unaware of how small, seemingly insignificant signs can escalate if left untreated. Our goal was to raise awareness about the importance of recognizing cancer in its early stages, when it is most treatable and curable.
Idea: We launched a campaign that cleverly symbolized cancer in its early stages. By featuring images of infamous villains as children, we drew a parallel between identifying danger early and preventing its progression. This creative approach captured attention and emphasized the message powerfully.
Location: The campaign was executed in São Paulo, Brazil.
Execution: We utilized Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising to reach a broad audience. The visuals conveyed a compelling narrative, leaving a strong impression and encouraging proactive health measures.
Role: Creative Direction
Art Direction